Our unscheduled maintenance has been completed and all services have been restored. Thank you for your patience.
12/7/2015 @ 7:33 PM
Our unscheduled maintenance has been completed and all services have been restored. Thank you for your patience.
12/7/2015 @ 6:34PM
We will be rebooting multiple servers this evening in order to correct an error. One the main services impacted by this will be Email. We expect this to take approximately 30 minutes. We apologize for any inconvenience. We will post an update when this maintenance is complete. 6/14/2015 5:20 PM
All Mail Services are functional again including Web Mail and the Mail Archives. We will continue to monitor and test throughout the evening. 6/14/2015 2:40 PM
Mail is flowing again as of about 20 minutes ago. We ran into issues with the way Windows Server 2012 handles short-file-name paths. You should now be able to send/receive email on your computer, phone, or tablet. If by chance you had Outlook open while the mail services were down, you may have to close Outlook and re-open and/or reboot the computer. Web Mail will remain unavailable for a while longer. We will post again when it is available. Thank you. 6/14/2015 10:05 AM
Email Services have been stopped and the previously planned mail server migration has begun (See note below). We will post updates here throughout the migration process. 6/10/2015 @ 9PM
This Sunday, June 14th, Symetrix will be migrating our email server software to a new server. This new server has a more modern operating system and will allow for greater memory capacity, thus better performance and higher levels of encryption. Unfortunately this means we will have to temporarily suspend all email-related services for a short period of time in order to migrate all of the files and user directories. We will begin this work at 10 AM (Eastern) on Sunday, June 14th. This work will be completed in stages, thus we anticipate you should be able access email on your computer, phone, or tablet within 1 hour. Web-Mail will be addressed in a later stage, thus it may be a few hours before Web-Mail is accessible again. Email Archives will be addressed in the final stage. Users will NOT be required to make any changes on their devices. We will post updates throughout the migration process this Service Alerts page. 3/20/2015 @ 10:52 PM We experienced an extended power outage at the Symetrix NOC starting at about 8:21 PM this evening. Once power was restored, several devices did not immediately power on correctly. The issues have been resolved and all services have now been restored. We apologize for the disruption and for any inconvenience this may have caused. 6/25/2014 @ 6:09 PM
We have completed the upgrade of our primary Internet connection and all services have been fully restored. The upgrade began promptly at 5:30PM and was functional by 5:45PM and since that time we have run various speed tests and all appears to be r 3/30/2014 @ 9:13 PM
The Symetrix data center suffered an extended power outage this evening. We lost utility power shortly after 6PM. Powered was restored by 7:45PM, and all hosted data services were restored by 8:30 PM. We apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused. 5/22/2013 @ 3:41 PM Eastern
At about 3:30 PM Internet service was restored to the area. Things appear to be |
Service Alerts
If there are service issues that affect the users of our Hosting Services (Email, Web, FTP, Peer-Link, etc) we will post it here. Archives
December 2015
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